Make small touches to your bathroom with practical products that offer a holistic and aesthetic appearance.
Complementary products that help you in the background make your life easier while implementing your design ideas for your bathroom. You must do not compromise on quality about these products, which complement the functionality in your bathroom as small details. Complementary products that prevent problems in your daily life by offering convenience should be produced in such a way that they offer robust and long-term use. In order to ensure long years of use, you need to consider the warranty periods, and you should choose the brands whose quality you are sure of. Kale includes the complementary products among the items it produces by considering every detail in your bathroom. Bathtub, shower and washbasin traps, floor strainers, Novatic options, flush systems, cisterns, shower drains, cistern mechanisms, and assembly materials are complementary products that allow you to get ready for the day without any problems during the time spent in your bathroom.
Trap Systems and Floor Strainers for the Smooth Operation of the System in Your Bathroom
In order to protect your healthy life with a clean bathroom, it is essential that the systems in these special places work smoothly. Bathtubs, showers and traps allow the used water accumulating in these areas to flow quickly, leaving you with clean surfaces. You can benefit from the experience of Kale for the trap systems used in your bathtub and shower to ensure that water flows smoothly from the surface every time. These complementary products ensure the smooth flow of water in your washbasin and shower, despite its density.
Floor strainers, like the trap systems, prevent the accumulation of water, helping to maintain hygiene in your bathroom at all times. Floor strainers, which prevent the accumulation of water on wet floors, also prevent possible yellowing and unwanted odours on the floor. Thus, in this special place, you can take care of your personal care in a clean environment. Kale stainless floor strainers fulfil an important task among complementary products. In addition, round, square and rectangular novatic options for your washbasin are among the important details that complete your bathroom. Your choice of Novatic, which is available in different colours such as black and chrome, represents an important detail that completes your washbasin.
Cistern Mechanisms and Flush Systems for a Clean Bathroom
Cleaning of urinals and WCs is of particular importance in your bathroom, where germs can form in a short time. For these areas where you need to provide hygiene with immediate and effective cleaning, you should prefer quality solutions for cistern mechanisms and urinal flush systems. Classic push-on surface urinal faucet, photocell urinal flush system and electric-battery powered built-in flush systems are among the options you can choose according to your habits and area of use. Cistern mechanisms that save water saving while providing effective cleaning are offered with different options under the complementary products category at Kale. These systems bring the surfaces together with water effectively and intensively without splashing and provide you maximum cleaning by ensuring harmony with the ceramic sanitary ware of Kale. The cistern systems of Kale, produced with smart technologies, put your and your family's health first by preventing germ formation.
While Kale offers a plain look in the shower systems of modern homes with its shower ducts, as complementary products, it also provides alternatives for different tastes. You can choose these shower ducts as a healthy and stylish design for you to step on a clean floor every time in your shower.
No Missing Items in Your Bathroom with Complementary Products
Every product in the complementary products category of Kale, which designs your bathroom with stylish and aesthetic series, has features that complement this design in a unique way. If you want to create a clean, tidy and systematic environment in your bathroom with these products, you are at the right place to choose products that will make your life easier! You can get all the details about the products you need among the complementary products category on our website. You can browse the pages where all the details about the products of the Kale brand are available. You can make the right choices for complementary products that will offer you a functional environment in your bathroom.
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